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The Process
"It takes only one person to change your life.."

Our Work

We help people create asset based incomes without a high investment, prior experience or quitting their full time profession. Can you do it? We cannot say without taking you through a time tested process that evaluates your learning capability, prior skill set and aptitude.

  The venture is consumer driven & our goal is to empower the common consumer with professional backgrounds - a doctor, a lawyer, a civil engineer, an IT professional, an accountant, a student, a homemaker - and help them become profit sharing business owners.

The way we do it is very simple but extremely powerful when duplicated - we create consumer networks and connect them to a manufacturer, bypassing the current distribution networks.

The venture is like plug & play without any liabilities and overhead operating costs, we use technology to leverage & build the business rather only use it for entertainment


The Fight 


The biggest dilemma is that most people like us are trained in their professions for the job. The difference between entrepreneurship and other occupations is something very fundamental - how they treat life & failure. The mindset and skill set is totally different. It is quite difficult for people who want to try something new and offbeat as mindset of people with traditional growth process is contradictory. 

So, 90% of the initial time has to be spent in changing the worldview of prospective partners - getting them to learn the essential entrepreneurial skills of networking, sales, leadership, team building, emotional intelligence, public speech, financial discipline, investment mindset and delayed gratification. And only then can we spend the rest 10% of the time on predicting profits and charting a growth plan. 


Right People

What are the chances that you will be a good fit for our venture? Though we try our best to predict, we have found ourselves proven wrong time and again over the last few years. If you are

  • a young educated professional with a stable job, single or married

  • can take out 10-15 hours a week to learn and practise the basics of the business

  • a decision maker who doesn't mind going against the world to do something that they set their eyes on

  • a big dreamer not willing to compromise in life

  • someone who is open and willing to be mentored into a newer way of thinking and doing things

you might be a possible candidate who we are looking for. Though we can't promise that you will be able to make it in a new business, we give you one of he best mentorship & training programs.

Getting In

It is always the leadership of the people involved which moves the business and the products and services. And thus, our focus is less on products and services and more on building the leader who can then, in turn adapt to the situations and create whatever processes/solutions/ideas that are needed to make the venture run. 

The process of mentoring somebody to become a successful leader is so personalised that very little is possible that one size fits all process. Each of us is different and comes with our own unique background, mindset, habits, work ethic and ability to learn and change. It might take 7-10 days for the interactions & understanding which are always enriching & build new bonds for future. Our experience say around 5%-7% of people we talk with on venture end up in our mentorship program. 

We help you grow your business by building the core values and strong foundation in our 90 day core & leadership program which also helps empower and enrich the present profession with the total paradigm shift and required transition, one has to keep patience & be committed through the process

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