If you mean that the sweat from your head runs down to your tail bone ” then yes, Squats are “bad for your knees.”
The Squat, you know I give so much respect, why because this king of all exercises and is worth doing.
it is very natural, functional movement that allows you to work out your legs in the way they were intended to move. It’s also the best overall leg exercise that you can do. Let me Put it like this : You’ll never have great legs unless you do Squats.
As with Deadlifts, however, the key to keeping Squats safe is to have perfect form. The most common mistake I see people making is loading the bar up and then performing half- or quarter-reps. That is bad for your knees. Another dangerous habit is leaning too far forward at the bottom of the squat, putting undue strain on your neck and lower back.
When performed correctly, the Squat is a safe, incredibly powerful exercise that you will come to love because of how beneficial it is to your entire body.
Now let me give you a short tutorial on how to Squat
Always squat in a Power Rack or Squat Rack, with the safety bars/pins set six inches or so below the height of the bar at the bottom of the rep .Do this even if you have a spotter. Now this is only applicable if you lift heavy. You if lift feather weight you don't need to setup all this Position the bar on the rack so it cuts across the upper half of your chest. This might feel a bit low, but it’s better to have it on the lower side than trying to lift heavy weight off the rack on your toes
Face the bar so you can walk it out backward. Don’t ever walk the bar out forward, as trying to re-rack it by walking backward is very dangerous.
Get under the bar and place your heels at about shoulder-width apart, with the toes pointed out at about 30-degree angles (your right foot at about 1 o’clock, and your left at about 11 o’clock, if that helps with the visual).
When you’re ready to unrack the bar, bring your shoulder blades together, tighten your entire upper back, raise your chest up, and straighten your lower back.
Put the bar below the bone at the top of your shoulder blades, and that has to be placed solid across your upper back muscles and rear deltoids.
Use a narrow grip because this helps you maintain upper-back tightness.
The wide grip that many people use slackens the back muscles, and back provide crucial support for the weight, but if the grip is wide it transfers the load to the spine.
This position will probably feel a bit awkward at first, and you might need to stretch your shoulders to get your hands into the proper position. Whatever you do, do NOT put the bar on your neck!
If you really can’t get the bar this low yet due to shoulder inflexibility, that’s okay. Place it as close to this position as possible and as you continue to train, work on getting to the ideal position. As long as you don’t feel it resting on your neck or feel your hands supporting the weight, you’ll be fine.
Now is the time for the actual Movement
Once you’ve unracked the weight, take one or two steps back, and assume the proper squatting position as I have already described above (heels shoulder-width apart, toes pointed out).
One thing now to keep in mind is that Don’t look up at the ceiling as some people advise, because this alone can ruin the form—it makes it almost impossible to reach the proper bottom position, it throws off proper hip movement and chest positioning, and it can cause a neck injury. Rather what you do is Pick a spot on the floor about six feet away, and stare at that for the entire set. Or look straignt in the mirror into your eyes while performing the set..
You’re now ready to start the downward motion, which is accomplished by sitting the butt straight down while keeping the chest up, and the back straight and tight.
When you are at the point moving down where the knees are in place, the movement becomes a straight drop of the hips, followed by a straight lift of them.
The bottom of the squat is the point where your hips are back and slightly lower than your kneecap (which causes your femurs to be a little lower than parallel with the ground), your knees are just a little forward of the toes and pointing in the same direction as your feet (they are outwards about a 30-degree angle,), and the back is as straight as possible and at an angle that places the bar over the middle of the foot.
I know that’s a bit hard to visualize,
Let me give you a throwback what ever I explained above, so the bar is low on the back, the back is completely flat and inclined at about a 45-degree angle, the hips are a little lower than the knees, the femurs are slightly past parallel, the feet are flat on the floor, and the knees are a little forward of the toes. This is the proper bottom of the Squat.
I recommend that you practice this with no bar to really get a feel for it.
Once you’ve reached the bottom, you drive your butt straight up—not forward —and bring your shoulders up at the same pace. To do this, you must maintain a back angle that keeps the weight over the middle of your foot. If your hips rise faster than your shoulders, you’ll start tipping forward, which puts heavy strain on the neck and back.
Don’t think about anything but driving your hips straight up, and you’ll do it correctly. Keep your chest up and your back straight—don’t let it hunch.
now you know how to squat, with the correct form and I have uncovered the myth prevailing in the society with regrads to squat..
I am sure if you follow these simple tips you ll be moving closer to your goals .. , you just need to work harder and sensible...
By - Rahul Kharbanda
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